Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Finally in Canada!

Hello Family! and friends,
This last week I arrived to Canada! From the moment I arrived to now there has been nothing but snow and ice on the ground! (I don't think it is going away anytime soon....) So far I am loving the area and I think my love for it is only going to grow as time goes on. The people here are incredible and I love meeting and talking to them. My companion and trainer, Sister Clarke, is very nice and has been helping me a lot. We cover two wards, Mahogany and Auburn Bay. This is the first time that she has served in this area as well, so for the last few days we have been doing our best to get to know the area (we have gotten lost a few times...but we are quickly figuring it out) and getting to know the members of the wards. We have spent lots of time trying to uncover as much information as we can about less actives and investigators. The last two Sisters didn't leave us with a whole lot of information concerning any of them, so its been difficult. We have not had the chance to do a lot of teaching because we are both new and there were no appointments set up already when we had arrived; however! we have a couple of appointments with investigators set up for the next couple of days; I'm excited!
Christmas is quickly approaching and it is weird to think that I won't be home for it. However, I couldn't be happier to be here in Canada. I can't think of a better way to remember the Savior this Christmas than to be serving and teaching his children about his restored Gospel and the love that he has for them. Also...I get to have a white Christmas. ;)
I hope you are all doing great! I love reading all of your emails and letters. Thanks so much for all of your love and support!
Love, Sister Meri Wagner

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